Python Developer Interview Questions Answers

Python Developer Interview Questions Answers
Python Developer Interview Questions Answers

Python Developer Interview Questions Answers

1. what is the Difference Between List and Tuple Explain?


1. list is mutable

2. List is like container to contain different types of objects

3. syntax-


4 List iteration is slower

5 List consume more memory

6 operations like insert and delete are better.


1. tuple is immutable

2. Tuple contain immutable object

3. syntax


4. It is faster than the list

5. It consumes less memory

2. What is a Decorator? Explain it with an example.

Ans- A decorator is a function that takes another function as an works

     without altering the source code of the original function that you passed in.

def first(msg):



second = first





3. Tell me the Difference Between List Comprehension and Dict Comprehension

Ans- [expression for an item in iterable if condition]


Dict Comprehension 

{key:value for(key,value) in iterable if condition conditional}

4. Can you explain How is Memory Managed In Python?

Ans- It is managed by private Heap Memory and space Allocation 

5. explain the Difference Between Generators and Iterators


It is an iterator that executes only once

It uses the "yield" keyword

It is mostly used in loops


An Iterator is a type of object which contains a countable number of values.

it uses iter() and next() function

every Iterator is not the generator

6. What is the 'init' keyword in python?

Ans- The _init_ method is similar to constructors. It is used to initialize an object


class Person


7. Difference Between Modules and Packages in Python

Ans-Modules is a simple python file that contains function and global variable

    having a .py extension file.


   import numpy

Package- It is a simple dictionary with having a collection of modules and sub-package modules.


 from import a

8. Difference Between Range and Xrange?


It returns a list of integer

since range() returns a list of elements, it takes more memory

Execution speed is slower

It performs all kinds of arithmetic operations.


It returns a generator object.

It takes less memory

Execution speed is faster

arithmetic operation is not performed in Xrange()

9. Explain Ternary Operator in Python?

Ans- The syntax of  python terenary statement 


10. What is Inheritance In Python

Ans- inheritance  is the child class that acquires the properties it can access all 

       data members and their functions defined in the parent class.

 Example- Class A(B)

11. What is Local Variable and Global Variable in Python

Ans- Local variable

It is declared inside the function

it is not initialized a garbage value which  is stored

Data sharing is not allowed as data of the local variable can be accessed by only

one function

Global Variable

It is declared outside the function

It is not initialized and Zero is  stored as the default

It is generated before the program global execution starts and

lost when the program terminates

Data sharing is allowed as multiple functions can access the same global


12. Explain Break, Continue, and Pass Statement

Ans- Break statement will be used inside the loop will terminate the loop and exit.

for i in range(10):

   if i==6:





 A Continue statement will stop the current execution when used inside the loop.

for i in range(10):

   if i==6:





 A Pass statement is a null statement when the python interpreter comes across the pass statement. It does nothing and is ignored.

def my_func():

  print('pass inside function')




pass inside function

13. What is the 'self' keyword in python?

Ans- The "self" parameter is a reference to the current instant of the class and is used to access the variable which belongs to that class.

14. Explain Function of List, Set, Tuple, or Dictionary?

Function of Dictionary

clear(): Remove all elements from Dictionary

copy():  Returns a copy of the Dictionary

get():   Returns the value of the specified key

items(): Returns a list containing a tuple 

keys():  Return list containing the dictionary keys

Function of set

add():       Adds an element to the list

clear():     Removes all the elements from the list

copy():      Returns a copy of the list

difference(): Return a set between two or more sets

discard():   Remove the specified items

Function of List

sort(): sort the list in ascending order

append(): Adds a single element in list

extend(): Adds a multiple elements to a list

max():    it returns max value

min():    it returns min value

Function of Tuple

cmp(tuple1,tuple2)-compare elements of both tuple

len(): total length of tuple

max(): Returns max value

min(): Returns min value

sum(): Returns sums value in tuple

15. What are Python Iterators?

Ans-An iterator is an object that contains a countable number of values. It is used

    to convert other objects to an iterator using the iter() function.

    Iterator uses iter() and next() function.

    Iterator is not the generator










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